Anom Wealthcare

ANOM Wealthcare is a job creation platform for young aspirants. AW is associated with various companies where our learners can excel their career through multiple opportunities. AW is associated with ANOM Classes for learning/training programmes. We counsel our learners to set their goals and realize their personal and financial potential.

Learning & Earning


Fastest wealth creation opportunity


Opportunity to become the 1% Club Member


Most transparent working platform


No formal qualifications required


Versatile economy tracker



Fundamentally for those who are simply beginning his/her career in the Capital Market.

Key Learnings

  • Why do we invest in Stock Market?
  • How to participate in Stock Market?
  • Types of Market & Trading Platforms.
  • Do’s & Don'ts of Stock Market.
  • How to Buy & Sell?
  • Trading Know How
  • Market Trends
  • Derivatives – Simplified
  • Market Terminologies & Abbreviations
  • Operational Activities


This level is for those who gained basic knowledge in Capital Market.

Key Learnings

  • Stake holders of market.
  • Other investment options.
  • Power of Compounding.
  • International Market.
  • Technical Analysis.
  • Fundamental Analysis
  • Inspiration from market.
  • Beginners Course Learning.


This level is for those who are determined, hardworking, motivated & risk taker in Capital Market.

Key Learnings

  • Research Tools
  • Indices Comparative Study.
  • Segments Detailed & Peer Analysis.
  • Reward Exemplary Stocks.
  • Sectoral Interdependence
  • Cyclical Trend
  • Enlightenment of Learner’s Course.

Wealth Creator

This course is for those who have command on stock market but also want to build or create wealth.

Key Learnings

  • Enlightenment of all the learnings of Beginner, Learner & Achiever Level.

Added Benefits

  • Crypto Currency Sessions.
  • Sessions on MF, Banking, Insurance, etc.
  • 3 Months Internship.
  • Assured Placement Opportunity.